HP Envy 15 Beats Special Edition

Ok, my first addition to my wish-list, the HP Envy 15 Beats special edition. I’ve always been a fan of high quality music and the prospect of some free Beats headphones and a flash new computer is an excellent prospect for me. The computer itself is due in the US on the 22nd of October for an opening price of $2.3k USD.

The computer itself is made from an aluminium-magnesium composite, and is black all over (almost similar to Colorware’s stealth MacBook Pro). It is running the latest Intel i7 mobile processor with all the motor-cons, except the rather notable exception of an optical drive. However I expect that I would be able to get over this if I get the chance to own one.

I won’t go into too much detail but I’ll include some pictures for you viewing pleasure:

The HP Envy 15 Beats Special Edition

The HP Envy 15 Beats Special Edition

The HP Envy 15 Beats Special Edition

The HP Envy 15 Beats Special Edition

~ by Sam Owles on October 18, 2009.

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